Getting started
#1: Choosing your class
ApexCO being a classic server means that you will have to actually spend some time working our for your gears and characters. Therefore, we generally recommend our players to choose the Archer as their first character.
As an Archer you will be able to hunt all over the world and find goodies that will surely help you improve your equipment and server as a starting base for you.
#2: First steps
Once you have your character created you must exit the Birth Village by speaking to Village Gateman in the Northeast of the map, you'll then be sent to Twin City,
where you will be able to speak to the Guide NPC and find out more about our server as well as request players to level you by clicking the "How to get started?" dialog followed by the "Ask for P-Level" option. It shouldn't take long until someone contacts you and helps you out.
In case you haven't found a team you can also head to famous maps as Bird Island or the Advanced Zone (AlientSerpents & Basilisks - Guild Conductor 2) as people will most-likely be leveling characters there.
Note: You must speak to GuruTodd at Twin City center and ask him for double experience - he'll give you an hour of double experience while you're below level 70.
#3: Make a miner
Once you find yourself someone to level you, it is time to start thinking about getting yourself an alt account and leave it inside the Mine cave. It won't directly help you
leveling but the extra gold you can get for selling gold ores and the gems you will get while mining that can be used to get meteors from the Blue Mouse Quest will really help you
out getting started early in the game.
Note: You can also obtain DragonBalls and Super Gems while mining which will be a great help if you find any.
#4: Learn FastBlade/ScentSword/ViperFang
As you might have noticed by now, there are PVP Events running twice per hour that will not only give you some great rewards in case you win them but they will also give you
some experience for participating. They can also be a distraction for you to take a break of hunting as they're fun and really quick lasting less than a couple minutes.
Even if you don't plan to use blade or sword we strongly recommend you to learn these skills and join the PVP Events as most of them are hit/skill based meaning that your gears won't
determine anything making them a fun break for everyone.
#5: Remmember to vote
Once you reach level 50, a dialog asking you to vote for the server will popup every 12 hours when you login on the server. Once you accept to vote, it will open a browser window
which will be redirected to the voting website and where you'll have to fill a captcha and simply click the vote button.
If you did everything right, a sucessful vote must have been added to our server and as an appreciation, a vote point must have been added to your character. Vote Points can be exchanged
for several rewards at the ClassicGod NPC in Twin City near the Blacksmith.
Note: We strongly recommend you to exchange your Vote Points for 1 or 3 days of VIP subscription as you will have the chance to experience all the benefits of a VIP player.
#6: Build up your equipment
Now that you have probably leveled yourself a bit, the next thing you must be thinking of is how you'll get yourself some equipment to start with. Class promotions will grant you some
starting items so make sure you don't forget to promote yourself as soon as possible. Level 15 promotion will award you a L15 Refined Set of items while level 40 and 70 promotions will
award you an Unique Set of items.
Once you got these items you should start hunting for some Meteors, DragonBalls and +1 items which can be either used to improve your equipment or sold to other players to gather some
gold. Make sure you learn Scatter and try choosing the spawn where you can hunt as better as possible - spawns like the Robins in Twin City, the Bandits at Phoenix Castle or MinMacaques at Ape City secondary maps are
the ones we usually recommend our players to start hunting at as there's a plenty amount of monters and they're weak enough for you to kill them with Scatter.
#7: Adventure yourself
If you have followed all of these steps you are in the right path to become a real conqueror in the server. By now you should start looking at all the guides we have in this page and
understand what quests and events you and make and join to continue progressing in the game. As an archer your next step would be heading to the Labyrinth and level yourself from there.
Great adventures, battles and friends are surely waiting for you ingame so enough of reading and lets get it started. ApexCO counts on you to become a legend and defeat everyone
else, make sure you don't let us down.
Feel free to contact us ingame or through any of our support channels - Facebook, Forum & Live Support!
Second Rebirth - Magic & Skills
Skill & Spell Epiphany: When you are reborn for the second time, all skills, Magic, and proficiencies of your weapons will be cleaned out. However, if you train them to 50% of the former level before 2nd rebirth, it will jump to the former level.
Bless: Second rebirth characters will obtain the new skill Bless.
New Skills & Magic: 2nd reborn players can learn different skills and magic according to their class in the first and second life.
Note: The skills below will not be kept if you didn't learn them before rebirth. The skill Poisonous Arrows is available when you are level 70+ and equipping a bow and arrows which are both under level 70.
- Trojan > Archer >
- Archer > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Dodge
- Trojan > Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Fire Circle
- Trojan > Trojan >
- Archer > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Trojan > Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Water Taoist > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Trojan > Warrior >
- Archer > Cyclone, Spirit Healing , Roar, Shield, Golem, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing , Roar, Shield, Golem, Reflect
- Trojan > Cyclone , Spirit Healing, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Golem, Reflect
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing , Roar, Shield, Golem, Superman, Reflect
- Trojan > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility
- Trojan > Golem, Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Warrior > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Pervade
- Warrior > Archer >
- Archer > Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Roar, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Shield, Roar, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Cure, Thunder, Fire, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Dodge
- Trojan > Cure, Meditation, Roar, Thunder, Fire
- Warrior > Cure, Meditation, Thunder, Fire
- Water Taoist > Shield, Roar, Fire Circle
- Warrior > Trojan >
- Archer > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing and Golem
- Trojan > Flying Moon, Roar, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing , Golem
- Water Taoist > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing and Golem
- Warrior > Warrior >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Reflect
- Water Taoist > Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Warrior > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Roar, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Superman, Shield, Roar, Water Elf, Divine Hare, Pervade
- Archer > Archer >
- Archer > Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Trojan > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Archer > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Dodge
- Trojan > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Warrior > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Fire Circle
- Archer > Trojan >
- Archer > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Trojan > Poisonous Arrows, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing , Golem
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Archer > Warrior >
- Archer > Poisonous Arrows, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Accuracy, Poisonous Arrows, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Archer > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Poisonous Arrows, Healing Rain, Advanced Cure, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare, Pervade
Fire Taoist
- Fire Taoist > Archer >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > All skills for Fire Taoist
- Trojan > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Dodge
- Fire Taoist > Trojan >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing
- Fire Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing
- Fire Taoist > Warrior >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Advanced Cure
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Fire Circle, Pervade
Water Taoist
- Water Taoist > Archer >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrow
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Dodge
- Trojan > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Fire Circle
- Water Taoist > Trojan >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing , Golem, Cyclone
- Water Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
- Water Taoist > Warrior >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Advanced Cure, Pervade
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Water Taoist > Pervade
Second Rebirth - Lucky Time
When using the skill Bless, you start to gather "Lucky Time".
Bless Skill: Second reborn characters can use the Bless skill to gather lucky time. During the lucky time, the drop rate of good items, higher damage, and success rate of upgrading quality will increase.
When using the Bless skill, your character stands still and starts gathering lucky time. The time ticks up as soon as you use the skill. The longer you wait, the more lucky time you can gain (2 hours at most). When you move, attack, or perform any other action, your lucky time starts to count down.
The Lucky Timer: The "Lucky Timer" will appear on the top left of the screen under the system messages, and it is marked as a Chinese Knot (a traditional Chinese handcraft used to express luck and prosperity).
Server Maintenance Clears the Lucky Time! Lucky Time will be cleared because of server maintenance. Generally, normal log-out doesn’t clear the lucky time. But you are recommended not to gather lucky time before logging out or server maintenance.
Share Lucky Time: Lucky time can be shared with others. When you are gathering lucky time, other players around you, including non-reborn players, have the chance to pray too. But the speed to gather lucky time for you is 3 times faster than for non-reborn players. Lucky time also produces many benefits when attacking monsters or other characters.
- Double Damage: Double damage randomly happens when attacking monsters or other players.
- Protection: When attacked by monsters or other characters, there is a chance that the damage will be greatly reduced.
- Experience Flourish: When killing monsters, there is a low chance that you earn 10x the normal experience for killing that monster (only with melee weapons, not ranged skills or magic).
- XP Bar Charge: If your level is 5 higher than the monsters', and your XP bar is over halfway full, there's a low chance of immediately filling your bar just by killing any monsters.
- Increased Drop Rate of Items: The drop rate of items, including meteors, super items, and Dragon Balls, will be increased.
About Equipment:
- The rates of upgrading quality when repairing equipment and gaining a socket when upgrading equipment level increase.
- The success rate of upgrading equipment quality increases too.
- There is a chance not to consume durability when upgrading equipment level.
Second Rebirth – Distinction:
After second rebirth, players will obtain many benefits that distinguish them from others.
Aura of Vigor: Second reborn characters will be surrounded by the aura of Vigor.
Skill "Bless": The second reborn character will obtain a new skill “Bless”. With this skill, you can gather “Lucky Time” which makes you luckier.
Damage Reduction: When attacked by monsters, the damage will be reduced by 30% and 50% if attacked by non-2nd-reborn characters.